About Airbus

Airbus is an international aircraft manufacturer based in Blagnac , on the outskirts of Toulouse in France . Division 100% owned by Airbus Industry Group, the company produces more than half of the airliners products in the world and is the main competitor Boeing.
Founded as a consortium of several European manufacturers in the late 1960s, Airbus Industrie has become a SAS ( simplified joint stock company ) in 2001, owned 80% by EADS ( Airbus became Group) and 20% by BAE Systems, until 2006 when BAE sold its shares in EADS.
Airbus employs 62,751 people at 18 sites in France , Germany, UK , Belgium ( SABCA ) and Spain . Airbus parts are mainly made ​​in Europe but some components from around the world and the final assembly lines are located in Toulouse ( France ) , Hamburg (Germany) , Seville (Spain) and Tianjin (China) . Airbus has subsidiaries in the United States , China , Japan and India.
Produced its first Airbus aircraft, the A300 in 1972 and offers a range of passengers from the A318 to the A380 aircraft , as well as cargo and business aircraft manufacturer. Airbus Military Airbus subsidiary based in Spain , produces military aircraft ( A310 MRTT , A330 MRTT , A400M ) . Airbus was the first manufacturer to offer a control system electric flight on the A320. In 2013, Airbus had 626 aircraft and won 1,503 net orders . It is the largest commercial performance in the history of aeronautics.
July 31, 2013 , it announced a restructuring of EADS Airbus became the group 2 January 2014 , Airbus is one of three divisions in charge of developing products and services for civil aviation .Airbus logo